- Col. (Ret.) Robert D. Ayers Jr., SC State Class of 1958
- Charles H. Bowens, Class of 1966 (posthumously), and Barbara J. Bowens
- Barbara K. Brewer, Class of 1959
- (Ret.) Alexander Conyers, Class of 1989 and Agatha Y. Conyers, Class of 1986
- Hope L. Doe, Class of 1996
- Deloris Frazier, Class of 1978
- Lillie Beasley Glover, Class of 1961
- Nathaniel Howard, Class of 1972, and Debra Howard
- Thomas L. Kennerly. Class of 1968, and Martha C. Kennerly, Class of 1969
- Connie H. Lawson, Class of 1966
- Julius A. Page, Class of 1951, and Linda G. Page, Class of 1969
- State Sen. John L. Scott, Class of 1975 (posthumously)
- (Ret.) Charles E. Singley Jr., Class of 1979
- Rev. Dr. Charles E. Smith (posthumously, and Mrs. Faye F. Smith, both Class of 1969
- Frank E. Walker, Class of 1973, and C. Elaine Beasley Walker
- Col. (Ret.) Robert B. Weeks and Mrs. Detroit G. Weeks, both Class of 1976.
- Mr. Bobby and Mrs. Geraldine T. Doctor, ’61, ’61
- Mr. Frank E. Drayton, ’72
- Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Rosa D. Evans, ’66, ’68
- Dr. Charles J. Fincher, ’58
- Dr. James A. Franklin, Sr., ’65
- Mr. John and Mrs. Catherine J. Frederick, ’63, ’62
- Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Frances M. Harley, ’76, ’73
- Mrs. Frances Nelson Hooks, ’66
- Mr. James H. and Mrs. Cassaundra D. Mulligan, ’73
- Dr. Charles E. Pimble, ’69
- Mr. Harrison Rearden, ’58
- Mr. Elijah B. and Mrs. Jean D. Rogers, ’62
- Mr. Carl I. and Mrs. Cynthia S. Terry, ’67, ’67
- Col. (Retired) Clinton A. and Dr. Elaine A. Fields ’60, ’61
- Mr. John J. Funny, ’87
- Mr. James L. and Portia K. Gilliard, ’61, ’64
- Dr. James Kris Harley, ’95
- LTC (Retired) Donald M. and Alicia Harrison, ’79
- Mr. Dino A. James, ’90
- Mr. Earvin “Magic” Johnson
- Major General (Retired) Larry and Tonja Knightner, ’72
- Attorney Matthew T. Richardson
- Mr. Curtis A. and Desma B. Stevens, ’74,’68/’75
- Dr. Armstrong Williams, ’81
- LTC (Retired) Freddie L. and Mary A. Williams, ’76
- Dr. Ann S. Winstead, ’71
- Chief Justice Donald W. Beatty, ’74
- Mrs. Helen Corbett-Brandyburg, ’74
- Mr. Hubert Daniely, Jr., ’63
- Dr. and Mrs. Charles (Barbara) Gadsden, ’72, ’90
- Mr. Willa H. Hightower, Jr., ’64
- Dr. and Mrs. Andrew (Abbiegail H.) Hugine, Jr. ’71, ’71
- Judge Maurice B. Mosley, ’68
- Dr. James H. Salley, ’73
- Mr. James E. Clark
- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. (Debra) Gantt, ’84
- Mrs. Louise B. Roseboro, ’48
- Dr. LeRoy Z. Zimmerman, ’66
- Dr. Odell Stuckey, ’67
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Mary G.) Wilson, ’77, ’78
- Ms. Patricia B. Lott, ’63, ’79
- Coach Oliver “Buddy” Pough, ’75, ’79
- Major (Retired) Audrey M. Shadd
- Mr. Mike Triplett, ’83
- Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) David R. Doctor, ’74
- Mr. Thurman DeMarest Shuler, ’57
- Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Thaddeus L. (T.K.) Bythewood, Jr.
- Chief Warrant Officer 3 (Retired) Lamar Webster Powell (Posthumously)
- Dr. Leola Adams, ’69
- Mrs. Josephine Robinson Evans, ’54, ’57
- The Reverend Dr. Solomon Jackson, Jr.
- Dr. Marion W. Jamison, Jr., ’55 and
- Mrs. Annie A. Jamison, ’56 (Posthumously)
- Colonel (Retired) Ned Edward Felder, ’59
- Mr. and Mrs. Simone R. (Linda) Gregori
- Dr. Richard Richardson, ’73
- Dr. Joseph C. Sanders, ’62
- Mrs. Carolyn Harris Brown, ’54 (Posthumously)
- Mrs. Gracia W. Dawson, ’37
- Dr. Jonas T. Kennedy, ’37
- Mr. Henry (Hank) F. Allen, ’78
- Mrs. Hattie P. Hunter
- Dr. Samuel D. Stroman, ’50 (Posthumously)
- Mr. Lewis A. Berry, ’66
- The Honorable James E. and Mrs. Emily England Clyburn, ’61, ’61
- Colonel (Retired) and Mrs. Alfred P. (Parniest) Glover, ’53, ’54
- Mrs. Margaret Wade Lesesne, ’51
- Mr. Robert S. Porcher, III ’92
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. (Pearl A.) Tourville, Sr.