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Jo Ann Owens
Jo Ann Owens

Administrative Assistant, Registrar's Office203 Moss Hall803-536-7185 803-596-7469

Jo Ann Owens

Jo Ann Owens is the administrative assistant for the Registrar's Office which also includes the office of Veterans Affairs.


Owens began her work at SC State in the Title III Office first as a student worker in 1989.  As she continued to work in the Title III Office her job title changed, and she became a full-time employee working under the job title of administrative coordinator until her retirement in 2016.

She was hired as a part-time test proctor in the Testing Center in 2017-2020 until the Testing Center closed because of COVID. 


  • South Carolina State University - B. S. in Management 05/10/1992 
  • MED Counselor Education 12/14/1996

Hobbies & Interests

Owens is an ordained Baptist minister. She loves sharing the Word of God, spending time with her family and cooking.