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Dr. Emily England Clyburn Honors College

Dr. Emily England Clyburn Honors College

Maximize Your Potential in the Dr. Emily England Clyburn Honors College

Are you looking to make even more of your education? Do you want to dig deeper into the subjects you're passionate about, overcome greater challenges, and learn and grow alongside other similarly driven students?

If so, you belong at South Carolina State University's Dr. Emily England Clyburn Honors College.

Honors College InductionThe Clyburn Honors College is open to students from all majors and provides an enriched curriculum and a wide range of unique learning and service opportunities. As a member of the Clyburn Honors College, you'll take special core courses in addition to those required for your major. As part of a community of scholars comprised of Clyburn Honors College students, you'll delve into the fundamentals of service, leadership, research, social justice, critical thinking, and much more. You will develop the skills to stand out and succeed academically, compete for and win prestigious scholarships, and excel in your chosen field and profession.

You can be part of the Clyburn Honors College program during your entire time at SC State, taking on new challenges and opportunities with each year. As a freshman or sophomore, you'll learn in special seminars and Honors Curriculum courses (see more below). In your junior and senior years, you'll do intensive and in-depth work in your major, including the completion of a Senior Capstone Project.

Graduating from SC State as a member of this program earns you a Clyburn Honors College seal on your transcript and degree. This lets future employers or graduate school admissions officers know that you are a serious and gifted scholar, and will be an invaluable asset to whatever company or institution you bring your talents to.

Read on for more info about joining the Clyburn Honors College, the Honors curriculum, and the Honors College's educational objective.

Spring 2025 Honors College Induction Ceremony Program


There are two tracks for joining the Clyburn Honors College. In Track A, program officials automatically admit qualified students out of high school before they have begun their studies at SC State. To be considered, you must have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements in high school or Advanced Placement coursework, demonstrated via an outstanding grade point average (GPA), SAT or ACT scores, or a score of 4 or above on the Advanced Placement (AP) Program tests. You will also be considered if you are a National Merit Semi-Finalist, or have demonstrated exceptional leadership potential during your high school career.

Track B for Clyburn Honors College admissions is for current SC State or transfer students past their freshman year. For this track, you must submit an application [include link to application] and other supporting documents as requested by the Clyburn Honors College. Applications are accepted in the spring of each academic year, and are typically processed within about two months of completion.

For both tracks, the journey to the Clyburn Honors College begins by applying to SC State. We invite you to fill out our admissions form to get started!

Apply to SC State Today!


Clyburn Honors College Curriculum

Honors classes are sections, designated as "honors," of regular General Education courses and departmental offerings. You will also need to take a few Clyburn Honors College special topics, including the Honors Philosophy Integrating Learning (HPIL) series. 

  • ART 250: Art Appreciation
  • B 150: Zoology
  • B 151: Zoology Laboratory
  • B 151: Botany
  • B152: Botany Laboratory
  • D 254: Introduction to Theatre
  • E 150: English Composition and Communication I
  • E 151: English Composition and Communication II
  • E 250: World Literature, Part I
  • E 251: World Literature, Part II.
  • HPIL 101-102: Honors Seminar (Leadership Development)
  • HPIL 201-202: Service Learning
  • LS 150: Information Literacy and Technology
  • M 158: Calculus I
  • M 168: Calculus II
  • M 278: Calculus III
  • MU 250: Music Appreciation
  • PS 252: American Government
  • PS 406: International Relations

Contact Us

The Clyburn Honors College is overseen by the Division of Academic Affairs, and the Honors College Dean. If you have questions, please reach out. We're here to help you find success at SC State!

Dr. William Whitaker Jr.
The Dr. Emily England Clyburn Honors College
Engineering & Computer Science Complex, 204-A