Youmustfirst completethe OrientationPacket andreturn thecompleted documents to the Office of Student Disability Services (OSDS) or send them to Cammy
D. Grate at
Yes. TheOrientationPacketwillbesenttoyouviayourpersonalemail if you do not have a SC State email. You may also download the documents here.
You can also bring the completed packet directly to the Counseling and Self-Development
Center, where the OSDS is located.
Those students who have received classroom accommodations while in high school can
receive classroom accommodations from high school to college or those who have a medical
diagnosis of their disabilities.
You will need to provide us with a copy of your IEP (Individual Evaluation Plan),
your 504 Plan, and/or your medical records that include your diagnosis.
No. Not all your accommodations in high school will be transferred to college.
When accommodations are not transferable, the OSDS will make minor adjustments that will meet your need of care.
You can use your IEP or 504 for three years or less when enrolled at SC State.
After reviewing your documentation (IEP, 504, or Medical Documentation), the OSDS will inform you in writing using only your SC State email address.
No. Personal email addresses can only be used prior to you becoming a student at SC State. Once
you receive your SC State email address, that will be the only method of communication
other than face-to-face contact.
Once all your documentation has been received, the OSDS will prepare your accommodation
letter and obtain your required signature. The OSDS will pull your class schedule and send your accommodation letter to each of your
Youwillneedtoinformthe OSDSimmediately whenaddingaclass. Yournewinstructors/professorsmustbeinformedthat you are receiving classroom accommodations.
The OSDS will be your advocate when an instructor/professor does not adhere to your classroom accommodations. You must visit the OSDS and share the violation based
on the instructor’s/professor’s failure to comply.
Yes. You must apply for classroom accommodations each semester.As yourclasseschange, so will your instructors/professors. The OSDS will need to send your classroom instructions
to your new instructors/professors.
Contact Information
S. Christian Jackson
Counseling & Self-Development Center
Office of Student Disability Services
Cammy D. Grate
Student Services Manager II
Office of Student Disability Services