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SC State students experience a taste of Kenya

Author: Amauri Allen|Published: September 17, 2024|All News, Faculty & Staff News

A taste of Kenya
SC State student gets a sample of Kuku Choma. More photos follow the article's text.

ORANGEBURG, S.C. – South Carolina State University’s Office of International & National Student Exchange Programs (OINSEP) recently allowed students to learn about Kenya’s culture through a Global Engagement Fair.

The Global Engagement Fair on Sept. 10 was to prepare students for the global society by offering students study abroad applications, information about scholarships and cultural enrichment, and samples of international foods.

SC State students Skyla Dillion and Jeremiah Teeter experienced a “cultural shock.” When they traveled to Kenya with OINSEP during summer 2024.

“We ate a lot of different foods. Things are healthier over there (Kenya) than here (America), said Dillion. “We saw like five people on one motorcycle. It was just very different”

“The Carnivore Restaurant was my favorite place to eat,” Teeter said about his food experience in Kenya. “The lamb was my favorite. We were also able to taste different sauces, such as mint sauce.

One of SC State's missions is to offer students the opportunity to immerse themselves in different cultures beyond the United States. Study abroad programs are designed to support these experiences for students during the spring, summer, and Thanksgiving breaks

“The full cultural immersion experience is food, culture, and knowing about other countries,” said Dr. Learie B. Luke, OINSEP director. “We live in a very connected world today. The world is spinning around us, and we want students to realize they are a part of this big globe. It's important for students to experience a world in different ways with food, clothes, and music, so we try to give them cultural experience even on campus.”

 The OINSEP has plans to have more Global Engagement Fairs. If you missed the opportunity to attend the most recent fair or are interested in the study abroad programs, email Luke at for more information.