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Online Testing Tips

Online Testing Tips

How do you give tests online (remotely)?

OK, so you’re doing online/remote learning now. But what about the tests? I guess there are such things as online exams. Maybe the solution is to give a better test. Here are some tips:

  • Ask questions that can't be solved with an internet search.
  • Ask the students to come up with their own question(s).
  • Give students a solution with a mistake in it and ask them to find the mistake and fix it.
  • Have students create video solutions of problems and then submit the video. This works really well. Basically, you’re putting them in the role of a teacher, and we all know that the best way to learn something is to try to teach it.
  • Break mathematical problems into smaller pieces, ask students to select the final solution from a list (multiple choice). If students are required to show work, have them capture an image and submit it to an assignment posting in Blackboard or submit via email.
  • Consider using Alternatives Assessment Strategies for Online Courses.

Yes, some of the tips make tests more difficult to grade but consider the added value. Creating and using rubrics as an evaluation tool will be helpful.

In fact, this is another area where the creative solutions you come up with now may be things you want to incorporate into your classes when things return to normal.

Creating Tests in Blackboard Learn?

  • CODE strongly encourages faculty to consider the following guidelines as ways to curb cheating when administering exams using Blackboard Learn 9.1:
  • Set Timer
  • Force Completion – one login only (if students experience an issue with technology, they will not be allowed to login and resume an exam; the assigned faculty will have to issue another attempt).
  • Randomize Questions
  • Set questions to appear one at a time.
  • No multiple attempts.
  • Feedback (Incorrect or Correct Responses) appear only after test closes.


Proctoring an exam?

Use Blackboard Collaborate Ultra to proctor an exam online to ensure academic integrity. You will be able to monitor student activities, provide instructions/guidance and it’s a great strategy to deter cheating!

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra allows an instructor to:

  • Verify a student’s identity.
  • Have students use the camera to ‘pan’ their area to ensure no other items are in their immediate work area.
  • Monitor activity (conversations, people entering the room, etc.).
  • Record the entire testing session (you can walk away or multi-task while recording the testing session).
  • Have students share their (entire) desktop to allow you to view any tabs or browsers that are open.


How to Set Test Options?

View Grade Details

Creating a Rubric in Blackboard

Moving Classes Online, Here’s How to Make it Work!