We Are Here for You
At South Carolina State University, we believe every student should have the support necessary to succeed in and out of the classroom. Our goal is to foster your growth as you make you way toward graduation. SC State provides numersous services to help keep you on track academically and personally.
Academic Support

The Student Success Center
The Student Success Center provides academic success coaches to ensure that each student has the tools, strategies and opportunities to grow at SC State.Learn more

The First-Year Experience
The First-Year Experience is designed to help first-year students navigate through
their first year of college. The FYE provides quality programs to meet first-year
students’ academic, personal, and professional goals.
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The Miller F. Whittaker Library
The Miller F. Whittaker Library’s services and resources support students with research methods and concepts, using instruction, multi-formatted collections, and 21st Century technologies.Learn more

Student Orientation Leaders
Student Orientation Leaders are a select group of upperclassmen who assist new students
with their transition to the university during fall orientation, New Student Orientation
activities, and with first-year adjustments to the collegiate environment.
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University 101
University 101 is a one-hour required course designed to help incoming you adjust
to life at SC State as you begin your freshman year.
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Office of International and National Student Exchange Programs
The mission of the Office if International and National Student Exchange Programs
(OINSEP) is to strengthen the academic and cultural environment of the university.
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Center for Online & Distance Education
CODE provides services to support the administration of online courses for students.
Some services include the Assessment Center (for test proctoring, etc.), Blackboard
Technical Support, and the Distance Education Student Guide which is intended to serve
as a reference guide for students taking distance learning courses.
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University Writing Center
Located in Turner Hall A Wing Room 371, the UWC is equipped with new computers and is open to all students on campus. Peer tutors with writing-tutor training are there to assist students with writing projects, ranging from academic papers to resumes. The UWC also offers tutoring on grammar and mechanics, citations, and multimedia presentations. Josalyn Woodruff-Lee, UWC Director, at jwoodruf@scsu.edu.
Composition Computer Classroom
The Composition Computer Classroom, located in Turner Hall A Wing Room 273, is equipped with new computers, a smartboard, a conference table, and plenty of seating, the CCC is a learning space for students in E 150 Freshman Composition I and E 151 Freshman Composition II courses.More information: Email Muhammad Mashreque at mmashreq@scsu.edu.

Student Support Services
Student Support Services is a TRiO Program funded by the U.S. Department of Education to provide comprehensive services designed to increase student academic performance in a caring and nurturing environment.Learn more
Physical & Mental Health

Brooks Health Center
Brooks Health Center, within the Division of Student Affairs, contributes to the holistic educational experience of students at SC State by ensuring they have access to quality affordable episodic and preventive health care as well as to provide activities and programs which will promote healthy lifestyle behavior and wellness.Learn more

The Counseling & Self-Development Center
The Counseling & Self-Development Center provides mental health services which assist
students with a variety of challenges that may arise while attending the university.
Student counseling needs are met through a wide range of programs and services which
include group counseling, individual counseling, and psychiatric services.
Learn more