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Veterans Day

Veterans Day

SC State honors those who serve

Given South Carolina State University’s strong history of providing officers to our nation’s armed forces, it is only fitting that we reserve a day each year to remember those who have served.
Each November in timing with the federal Veterans Day holiday, the university sets aside a day to thank our veterans for their sacrifices in maintaining the security of all Americans. The annual Veterans Appreciation Program features a distinguished speaker from the military's ranks -- often an SC State alumnus -- who provides perspective about service to current SC State Bulldog Battalion Army ROTC cadets and others in attendance.

Veterans Day News

Pen pals: SC State alumnus finally meets woman who wrote to him as a teen during Vietnam War

Pen pals: SC State alumnus finally meets woman who wrote to him as a teen during Vietnam War

Nearly 10,000 miles from the familiar surroundings of South Carolina’s Low Country, young soldier Ned Felder received a package that brought him a touch of home and a lasting connection. The year was 1967, and the U.S. was embroiled in the Vietnam War.
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Alumnus to SC State ROTC cadets: ‘You will discover many things that you never knew about yourself.’

Alumnus to SC State ROTC cadets: ‘You will discover many things that you never knew about yourself.’

Military service is a profession like no another and offers lifelong bonds. Bulldog Battalion alumnus Lt. Col. Kenneth B. Fowler offered that reminder to South Carolina State University’s Army ROTC cadets on Thursday as he delivered the keynote address at the university’s annual Veterans Appreciation Program.
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